Tree Removal
Expert and professional removal of all your dead, dangerous or problem trees. Removal may be required if the tree has died, the tree has become unstable due to age, storm damage, disease or drought, your tree may have become too large and aggressive for the position it is growing in, the roots of your tree may be causing structural damage to your property, you don’t like the tree or shrub. All quotations are free of charge.
Tree Pruning
Specialists in deadwood removal, limb removal and tree shaping. Pruning can bedone to give your tree the best shape to improve the appearance of your garden, remove deadwood, which can be dangerous as well as aesthetically unpleasing, remove overhanging branches (over roofs etc), remove wind damaged branches prevent injury to person or property, treat disease in your tree by removing the effected limbs, stop possums accessing roof.
Stump Grinding
Make Access Tree Services the first choice for all your stump grinding needs. Stump grinding may be necessary in some cases for example if there are termites present or you would like to make use of the space in another way. The stump of your tree can be ground away using a stump grinding machine to enable you to replant, pave etc. over that position.
Strata & Commercial
Access Tree Services are the specialists intree work for strata properties. We understandwe are not dealing with one decision maker but many and at times ideas can be conflicting. We provide the best advice available to help solve your problem. We are happy to visit any properties you manage to make recommendations for any necessary work for the maintenance and safety of residents. We also offer assistance, where possible, dealing with councils.
Arborist Reports
Council often require a report from a qualified arborist regarding trees requiring approval. The purpose of the report is to provide Council with independent information about the tree, including its health position and recommendations. Our Arborists are fully qualified and happy to prepare such reports if you need them.
Council Approval
Council Approval may be required for removal or even pruning of a tree. Each local Government area has varying legislation regarding tree amenities. We cannot conduct work on any tree that requires council approval without that approval. Council often may also require Arborist reports as supporting evidence to your application.